Aug 10, 2006 13:55
I've been contemplating the idea of meta bitchery. This occured when at work I was bitching about my office bitch job, I'm also bitching about being so bitchy because I lack coffee to prevent bitching about things that don't really need bitching about. The real bitch of it is that most of this is caused by coffee, either to much or to little, which is iritating because once you become coffees bitch you're a bitch both on and off of coffee. The shear amount of bitchery and meta bitchery involved in the above though process was simply astounding and I haven't been able to avoid giggling whenever I say, or even think, meta bitch, bitch or layers of meta bitch. Which brought me to another startling line of bizarre and convoluted logic, how much meta is to meta, can you out meta yourself? Can you meta the idea of meta? What if your wrote meta-fiction about meta-fiction, how many layers of fucked up would that be? In fact I think I'm bitching about meta-bitching right now...
Warning: The rest of this journal entry has been confiscated for the safety of the universe as well as human thought. The author has also been subsequently replaced by a robot-cyber-clone that is garaunteed 50% less likely to cause the end of the world due to paradox/
- Al Gore and his former-Vice Presidential Action Rangers.