(no subject)

May 23, 2005 13:22

I am marrying the sweetest man on the planet.

Last night we were in a walking mood, so on our second trip out walking Lucky (and ourselves) a stray dog finds us. This happens all the time. This one was nice, appeared to be a girl, also appeared to be a border collie mix. (Turns out she was a HE and I probably gave it an identity problem). Anyway, he was nice, would not leave us alone, followed us on our entire long walk, he and Lucky got along well, both just trotting along and tra la la. So when he hasn't left us we decided to bring him on the porch where he will be safe and call 911. See, this is so stupid. You have to call 911 and they will send someone to pick the dog up, we've done this before with other strays that don't have tags, or ones that just have tags without phone numbers or people's names on them. We've always been told that these animals go to the HUMANE SOCIETY. We have a no kill shelter here, so we've always felt good that at least then they can track the rabies tag number or the city license number and find its people. Right? Well, last night after the police got the dog, Shawn looked up the policies on the internet. We were dismayed to find out that they go to the pound (we didn't think we actually had one) and then it said that they try to contact the owner and if its not picked up within 5 days it is put to sleep. So enter Shawn being Shawn and completely freaking out. He is the biggest animal lover there is, I mean the boy is not vegan for his health. So I'm trying to calm him down, inbetween reading more on the internet and giving him a haircut. So we devise a plan.


This morning I call him at work to see if he's called down to the pound (since last night the phone said the hours were 8-5), and he got a nice lady on the phone. She said they know who the owners are, but that they haven't called them back. I'm guessing the people didn't want their dog anymore, you could tell its a puppy, and its probably gotten bigger than they thought it would, happens all the time. She said that the dog will stay there for 10 days, in which case they give the humane society the option of taking the dog, if they don't have the room or they don't take it for whatever reason then the dog would be put down. In which case they would call us before they did it and we would adopt him.

So. I'm guessing there is no reason why the humane society wouldn't take him, he's healthy and happy and cute. But if they won't we're going to pay the fine and take him back. Shawn is beating himself up for ever calling to have him taken away in the first place. But we were always told that it goes to the humane society. And I always figured that since the dog only had a city license tag it was better that they could look it up and find its people, rather than our dead end no way of finding them. If Lucky got away I would rather have him someplace safe so we could find him, although Lucky wears plenty of identification (and why don't people do the same for their dogs?!!). So I'm trying to prepare myself for either 1) a new dog or 2) we try to find it a good home. If of course everything doesn't pan out. I'm still hoping its people want him, and if not that the humane society will take him. I plan on calling the humane society to ask them what we should do if this happens again, because its already happened a few times, these stray dogs come running up to us because Lucky is a stray dog magnet. Policies need to be changed.
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