Aug 15, 2009 00:08
Happy birthday, my beloved Austr[al]ian friend.
You know, when eljay informed me about your birthday, I couldn't help but remember how we met. It was a rainy April day many many years 70 weeks ago when I stumbled upon one of your first icon posts and your little 100x100 pixel!creations were like a light at the end of a darkroom to me, especially the famous 'blue icon' that started our quirky bond that I cherish so much. XD *hearts*
I'm mentioning this, because it made me realize that a person, you comes up with so many purty and witty icons, needs more than 15 userpics to show them off. So, here...grab all 100, use them wisely and enjoy. =]
I hope lj has already updated your account, it tends to be a bit slow since the big DDoS-attack. I'm leaving for Hamburg in a couple of hours, but let me know if there's any trouble and I'll deal with it when I get back.
Have a fabulous day, buttercup. :-* :-* :-*