Due to yesterday's internet abstinence I wasn't able to post my happy day entry. I'm a bad bad meme person. *facepalm*
But I had so much fun on the weekend that the happiness lasted for two days. =D
7lubi7 and I celebrated xmas early, since we won't see each other on Christmas and, OMG, I got so many cute and lovely presents. I'm the proud owner of my very own speshul set of B/J Christmas tree ornaments now. ♥
I would take a picture, but (let's say it together) a mean person stole my camera, so... :(
We spent the whole Sunday in our PJ's and watched various TV shows and movies. First Dante's Cove, season one. Hello, trashy show. And hello, hot gay boys making out. Yum! So much fun for only 0,99£. (Thank you, ebay) Unfortunately, we don't have season two and three and I desperately wanna know what happens with Toby. *sighs*
After that we watched the qaf season three bonus disk, 'Trick' and the first season of 'Little Britain'.
All in all a very successful weekend. :D
I'm off to watch the 'Supernatural' season two finale. Yes, we're 354 years behind. Oo