Heroes no zenkai made no arasuji...
Simone is still dead.
Yes, start shooting at Peter because it worked so well the last time. I swear I'm watching a Quentin John Tarantino Woo film.
Well, what did you think guns did Isaac?
Hiro tries to steal Linderman's sword but is intercepted.
Poor HRG :(
Best camera shot!
On the phone, the Haitian said something like: "I have the girl, what do you want me to do... I understand..." Does anyone know if he said "Marseille" or just "Merci" with a Haitian accent?
Nathan's been working (on his GQ poses) with the FBI.
Maybelline lashes!
Peter's in trouble? Must be Monday.
Nathan will fix it.
Peter won't let him fix this one.
I want to hug Peter.
Go away Candace, you petulant brat.
OMG, stop being cute together guys!
To friendship?
Sylar: What's in this tea?
Mohinder: My special blend of KNOCK YOU THE HELL OUT.
Nathan and Hiro are cuter than kittens.
Claire:I wanna live with Peter. He cares about me!
The Haitian: Can you please just *stop* crushing on Peter. Do you Petrellis even know what the term "inappropriate chemistry" means?
Oh "The Haitian," why are you so hot?
Hahahaha... I love how this guy pokes his head in: "Um, word on the street is you have a dead girlfriend?"
"You wanna shoot me again?" Yes, Simone/Candace. Yes I do.
D.L. is not amused.
Mmmm, Dark!Mohinder.
Mohinder goes all Mad Scientist on Sylar.
But Sylar seems to enjoy it. Crazy bastard.
SAY WHAT AGAIN! Sylar presses the gun into his own forehead. I'd say he's won this week's award for Crazy Ass Psycho.
Mohinder's all, "It's going to hurt." And Sylar's face is all, "You promise?" Also, remind me never to get a spinal tap.
Ian Gomez!
Javier calls Ben, Noel, and Matt Parkman Sean to take out Hiro.
Ando to the rescue!
Ok, if the agents are dead, won't the FBI have a reason to swarm Linderman's hotel?
Sylar is crying.
Mohinder doesn't care.
Sylar goes all Neo and does that creepy-sexy thing he always does.
If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that drugs solve every problem. Yes, all of them.
Painting your own deaths ranks as one of the suckiest things ever. Right after shooting the one person you loved... oh wait.
Don't worry Jessica, if I met Nathan Petrelli, the first thing I would do is undress him too.
Stick it, Candace (tell me someone else has seen that movie).
So Hiro/Peter didn't save the world.
Yes, Peter is you uncle, Claire (he was too old for you anyway, girl).
(French part - Grandma Petrelli says something like: At least she's safe now - no thanks to you.
Haitian: Listen, I did all I could. She would have found her own way in the end.)
Nathan, why are you so hot? Looking to have any more illegitimate children?
Hey there Alex DeLarge! I find it hard to believe Nathan doesn't like vegetables.
Gun porn.
Did anyone else think Mary Winchester when Mo was on the ceiling? Just me? Ah, ok.
If Sylar stole Peter's powers, would he also have the power of emo?