friends only <>} <3

May 25, 2004 15:34

veni, vidi, scripsi.

in the world’s eyes i am foolish and unfledged. otherwise, i am eighteen and lost in another world. i like to dream(a lot) and imagine the impossible. i like to dance and hope and laugh. i like to fall over and find someone is waiting there to catch me. i find i only really feel like i am living when i lose control.

what i want from my life is for Love to be everything. i mess up a lot, even though i try to live beautifully, and yet i know that someone sees through the muddle and jumble and chaos of my life and He is called Jesus. He is the one who says i am beautiful, who calls me Beloved, when no one else does. when i cannot lift my head He holds me and then sometimes i forget to breathe. He is just so lovely! and He is calling me to love and love and Love. He is the author of radical passionate sacrificial Love...

"The Lord says there is nothing you can do that would make Him love you more. There is also nothing you can do to make Him love you less. He loves you because He loves you, because He loves you, because He loves you, because He loves you, because that is what He is like. It is His nature to love, and you will always be the Beloved. 'I love you as you are, so be loved. You are the Beloved. It is your job,' says the Lord, 'to be loved outrageously. It is why I chose you. That is why I set my love upon you, that you would live as one who is outrageously loved, that you would receive a radical love, so radical that it will blow all your paradigms of what you think love is. And know this,' says the Lord, 'I will love you outrageously all the days of your life because I don't know how to be any different. This is who I am, and this is who I will always be. This is the I Am I promised you. I am He that loves you outrageously.'"

... and just the smallest glimpse of that overwhelms me.

(i would love to hear from you, whoever you are.)