What am I? Free labour or something? Working? You one call and then i have to wake up and start sending emails, and stuff lahz! WTH lor. Who u think u are? It's not like u pay me lor. No u just use me when ever u find fit. Then when u dun need, u just say busy busy busy. XP
And WTH lor. A president, but then when having acitivities, disappear, dun wan to address crowd, dun wan to sent email, keep chatting online or use computer, then bias in recruitment. U know what he did? I tell u! Got a person finally can go le! Although he was like on then off then on again. But then he say he going le lor! then he say nvm slot the people in, take him out. I say check the slots 1st so nvm i tell him dun have so just slot them in. DXX.
So what do u think? huh? I'm in a strange club huh? Working under a worm? XP