The End

Aug 12, 2009 00:00

2:14 AM had it marked; the erosion of my preemptive indignation.

I don't dance. I laugh. I brawl like sister and brothers. I am partying, fucking, going to the beach, partying and fucking on the beach, secret agents, and queuing at the post office, all wrapped up in an unintelligible but perfectly logical barrage of slang which even most gangstas don't understand. I am the party-funk-fueled soundtrack to a John Waters-directed account of Kenneth Williams dancing on the tables down in the Korova Milk Bar.

I'm Bethany, and I have come for your daughters, sons, mums, dads, girlfriends and boyfriends.
I am not picky.

Still Not Satisfied?

[x] I belch without caring who's around.
[x] Never lend money to me; I'll probably never pay you back.
[x] I say 'fuck.' A lot.
[x] I know what a snizzo cat is
[x] Quoting songs or videos or movies randomly is very common
[x] I enjoy intellectual conversation and large vocabularies
[x] Unicorns are my favorite animal, ever
[x] I don't trust easily and not because I have trust issues
[x] I know more about Harry Potter than I do American history
[x] I enjoy making lists

People seem to like to assume things about me; I let them.

new beginnings

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