Jun 08, 2004 16:40
holy shit! only 25 days till we go to maine and i get to bring my sacha bear!!! it's gunna kick so much ass... i was talking about it with sacha and i got myself ever more phyced about it!! lol... here... read what i said and tell me it doesn't sound like fun lol...
K C orrigan 22: i am super excited
K C orrigan 22: 25 days is too long!
K C orrigan 22: i want my beach on the ocean NOW!
K C orrigan 22: and my view of the ocean from our room (as long as we get a room on the side of the hotel facing the ocean) and my sexy boys in bathing suites.. and getting a wicked burn that'll turn into a sexy tan, and wearing a tiny bakini and not caring cuz i'll never see those people again.. and looking for see shells and aminals in the tide pools and shopping and eating fresh seafood... and... and.... yes!
K C orrigan 22: lol
K C orrigan 22: that took alot of effort
ahhh man... i'm so excited... woop!
p.s. comment on the update before this one!