I know I already did one for Paint Shop Pro but I translated the tutorial just recently for Photoshop, well I hope it helps some people! I'm thinking of writing a tutorial for manipulations next time or photo enhancement tricks who knows!
- Photoshop
- 2-3 Pictures (With similar backgrounds, Recommended)
I'm going to use 2 pictures of Marie Serneholt for this tutorial since that was the only blendable bunch of pictures on my computer at the time.
01. Open up 2-3 files (ctrl+o) or drag and drop, with similar backgrounds (they work best when starting to blend). I’m going to use these two pictures of Marie Serneholt playing hockey.
02. Make a new file (ctrl+n) and set the size to about 450x250 pixels, background transparent, you can name it if you want it doesn’t really matter. Make sure you save it though! You don’t want to lose your precious work if the program somehow crashes.
03. If your windows are maximized go to the top of your screen Window > Documents > Then click your other files, if your windows are minimized then just click the other files.
04. Select the file and copy by hitting (ctrl+a) a marquee should appear around your whole image, then copy by using (ctrl+c).
05. Go back to the new image file and paste it by hitting (ctrl+v) and it should appear on a new layer.
06. Go to your other file and repeat the same selecting and copying process, then paste into the new image file again. If you have a third image you want to blend, yet again do the same process (I’m sure it takes longer for me to explain this than to actually do it).
You now should have 2 or 3 overlapping images and they’re each blocking each other, how gross!
07. To fix that, hold down (ctrl) on your keyboard it will show a move tool and you can move your top layer off to the side so it’s not blocking the bottom layer. If you need to adjust your other layer(s) you have to go to your layer palette and click the bottom layer to move it.
This is how mine looks after I moved the two.
The large overlapping part is what I’m going to erase later on
08. Sometimes the files you select are too big and you want to resize it? Well you can either resize then copy/paste or afterwards I usually do it afterwards. Pick the layer you want to resize and then hit (ctrl+t) to transform the layer. Hold the (shift) key down as you grab one of the corners of the files and resize so it doesn’t get smooshed and double click in the middle when you’re done.
09. Now for the actual “blending” part after all the prelim work!
Click the eraser button or hit (e) on the keyboard, click on the brush icon at the top to get more selection. I usually use the 45 size brush and make it bigger to around 120 since I think it’s because it has more hardness than the 100 px brush.
10. Make sure you are on the top layer that is overlapping and start erasing away, be careful not to erase away important parts. For more accuracy make the brush size smaller. As I got closer to the edge I reduced the brush size.
Here’s how mine looks after erasing, I’m sure yours will look better.
Congratulations! Now you have officially made a blend!
To continue I will show you some simple and easy effects to make your signature even more exciting!
11. First merge all of your layers together by hitting (ctrl+shift+e) on the keyboard or going to the top and clicking Layer > Merge Visible.
12. Now either duplicate the current layer from the layer palette or select all (ctrl+a), copy (ctrl+c), and paste (ctrl+v).
13. Make sure you are on the top layer or else your effects won’t show up. Go to the top and select Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Put in a value of about 3-5. Don’t worry if it totally distorts your lovely blend, it'll be fixed in the next step.
14. Go to your layer palette and set the blend mode of the top layer (the one with gaussian blur) to screen / overlay / softlight / hardlight / burn. If one of the effects is too overpowering adjust the opacity of the top layer until you’re satisfied. Experiment with the settings until you find it to your liking.
I set mine to screen at 100% since the original picture was a little dark to begin with.
Gaussian gives it a dreamy look and it works for almost any signature.
15. Ok I will show you another one of my favorite effects that comes a lot better looking in Photoshop than in PSP - Motion Blur. Take your original blend with the merged layers. Duplicate it again. Then go to the top and select Filter > Blur > Motion Blur.
Put it to the settings I have up there.
16. Go to the handy layer palette once again and toggle the blend mode to your liking!
I decided that one motion blur layer wasn’t enough but I needed 2.
So I duplicated the motion blur layer and set one to overlay and one to screen.
Here’s how mine looks.
The finishing touches! You can add a gradient filter, color filter, or whatever in between but I personally really need to add a border on a signature.
17. Usually I scrap the stroke method because I’d have to merge all layers and just make a new layer (ctrl+shift+n) or Layer > New > Layer. Select all (ctrl+a) then go to the top of the screen and click Select > Modify > Border. 2 pixels should do.
18. Pick a foreground color you want then click the paint bucket tool (g) and click the marquee area. You might have to click 2-3 times because it’s partly transparent. Then you’re done!
Here’s my final product.
If you have Paint Shop Pro go