Jul 04, 2006 20:53
Firstly let me start by proudly saying that today is my parent's 25th wedding anniversary!!! I am so proud of them. They went out to spend the day together and got back a few hours ago to freshen up before going out to dinner...that was their story. In actual fact, they came home, and my beautiful parents had bought my sister and I the Portugese and Spanish jerseys!!! YAY! I got really emotional, coz they know how much it means to me. So now I have the jerseys of my top three teams. I love football!
Now to other news...
So here we are!!! In case you were not aware, Portugal are through to the Semi finals after a pernalty shoot out victory over England! Ricardo is a genius... not only did he save three of the four penalties England took but he broke a Fifa World Cup record int he process.
I really liked this bit in the WC article on Ricardo on the site (It's about Ricardo and Figo...Portugal captain and all-round legend)
Portugal captain Luis Figo also played a vital part in Ricardo’s success, as the goalkeeper explained. "At that stage of things, I just have to think about my own game and try to read the eyes and the intentions of the penalty-takers to predict what they are going to do. I felt that I had a very good chance of saving (the penalties) but I wasn’t 100 per cent certain. Then Luis Figo told me that he wasn’t worried, because I always save two of the penalties. At the end I told him that two of the saves were for him, and one for me."
I thought it was very fitting that Ronaldo took the last penalty seeing as he plays for Man United. I have no idea how much of a reception he will be getting after the WC? Roony certainly won't welcome him with open arms.
Its a bit sad that England are out though, coz they played brilliantly being one man down after Rooney's infamous tackle on Ricardo Carvalho... but that's football! And anyway...Portugal's my team (one of them), so it's not too sad. What was really sad though, and I didn't expect to be so effected by it, was that Beckham resigned as captain. It just seems weird now. And I know a lot of people will be thinking that its a good thing, he was nothing but a fashion and commercial figure. And a lot of people who call themselves 'die-hard fans' will say that he has corrupted the game, etc. But really, he was a brilliant player, a phenomenal presence on the field. Its so easy to criticise (and I'm guilty of it myself) but if you really watch him play, he has some great skills, and of course, he is a free-kick expert! He's done a lot for the game, and he's suffered a lot at the hands of the fans, media and everyone else, but he's still out there, playing and captaining. It's easy to blame him coz he's the 'face of football' but he's copped a lot, and he's survived, despite all the slander thrown at him, his wife and even his children...that cannot be easy to take. So give the guy some credit, coz it shows dignity and good nature, especially coz he still wants to be playing for the English national team. And I never ever thought I would write so much in Beckham's defense.
In other news, Real Madrid are supposedly interested in signing Cristiano Ronaldo and Fernando Torres to the club. It may just be a ploy for votes, coz there is a presidential election happening, but if they do sign these guys, I think it might breathe new life into the squad. Having Robinho and Cincinoh (spelling?) there was a stroke of brilliance, and by bringing more fresh talent who really want to prove themselves, will possibly lift the club's performance! So YAY!!! Plus they happen to play for Spain and Portugal, two of my top three favourite teams.
Germany vs. Italy tonight! Cannot wait! It might be interesting to know that Frings is suspended for the match coz of video footage found where he punched an Argentine player in the face after the Germany Argentina match (during the huge fight that broke out). What is really interesting is the founder of this footage... none other than the Italian press. HAHA! That was so funny I was laughing when I heard it. Who would have thought, right????
Finally some funny things I found off the Sydney Morning Herald site, written by some of the people who are actually in Germany at the moment! ENJOY!
There is no escape from the World Cup here. Not even in the toilets, where many hotels have installed special urinals equipped with little green rubber mats and plastic goalposts. An orange ball on a string hangs from the crossbar, presumably to encourage users to strive for greater accuracy.
Sadly, the Australians' host town north of Stuttgart is slowly emptying of fans. They will be badly missed, says Peter Perner, a Melburnian who moved to Oehringen 15 years ago with his German-born wife. "It's been an unforgettable experience," he said. "The behaviour of the fans has been great. They've made lifelong friends here." Local businesses are already returning to normal, quieter times. Such is the drop in trade that one shop has already slashed the price of edible underwear in the yellow, red and black of Germany from $9.95 to $6.95 a pair.