Le dimanche. Ce n'est pas mon jour préféré.

Jan 09, 2011 15:35

Sunday afternoons. Hate them. With a passion. I'm with the Doctor: Sundays are boring. No excuse not to get my work done, for one thing.

And joy of joys, voila today's Sunday afternoon activity: reading a French tragedy. Woop de doop. Je la deteste. It's Andromaque by Racine, and it's full of classical references that I don't understand. Not to mention that I have to look up every other word in the dictionary, and rely rather heavily on an online translation I found.

I know it's a French classic, and I'm sure it's a wonderful read for those who are into French tragedies, but frankly I cannot appreciate a play which I do not understand. It may contain fabulous nuances of language, but they are entirely lost on the girl who has forgotten a lot of her A Level French, and funnily enough never learnt the kind of vocabulary used in neoclassical tragedy.

Moan over. Happy Sunday

andromaque, french, sunday

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