Nov 10, 2008 22:32
lawlerskates xD So my crush on Tom Felton (which vanished 3 or 4 years ago) totally flickered today when I watched a youtube vid of him singing. It's sweet ^_____^ Apparently he's a singer now. Whodathunk... I always thought he was a wapper (white rapper) type.
Um... quick update:
Two jobs, both clerical.
still working on degree (grrr)
broke up with liam (well, he broke up with me... I know! First time for everything)... got back together about a week and a half later, three weeks for the public (apparently we half stalkeratzies who have, like, a religion based on hating me). Technically we were never seperated. Apparently his family wishes we were.
I'm good, though. Need to loose some of the weight I gained back. GRR x10 !
What's new with you?