*pokes Nightshadow131 for tagging me* Well, i feel special ^^ I got to use codes and stuff for this xD *does a dance* I really need to learn all this stuff >_> reeally do. Such simple idea's too o_o;;
Write a little paragraph about your name, why you chose it, what it means to you, etc.
Well, ok. Lemon_girl15 I choose because of my friend who tagged me. *Pokes Kaylee* I write lemon stories in fanfiction so one day she called me Lemon Girl and I liked it <3 lol. Then my Friend Sarah came up to stay with me for a couple days which turned into a week xD (need to do it again) And she set me up with my Lj account to look at yaoi_Daily and I was like "hey! i wanna be Lemon_girl!" The 15 just came from age, though I wish I had put 69 cause that would match my AIM SN then xD.
What would you change your name to, if you were changing it?
Ummmmmm...*thinks**thinks harder* brain fizzles and Implodes* lol. Not sure, maybe Chibi-Hentai ^^ That's my Pen on AFF though I don't have anything up there yet. It fits me because (i thought chibi meant little...it doesn't...but it's still cute) And hentai means pervert xD So, in essence it was supposed to mean Little pervert xD But I think It's "Kid Pervert" Now >_> hmmm.
What is your favorite username? Why?
Ummm, favorite username....ummmmm.....I...don't know 0.0;; Never really give them much thought. Hmm, I dunno ^^;;
Now, tag five other unfortunates whose usernames you would like to hear about: how about NekoKittyKat ? hehe. I shall now tag you Sarah! do you get this later? Still don't know quite how this works >> hmmm *goes off to think and talk to Kaylee*