At Cassy's request. lol..

Jun 21, 2005 01:25

Get the rest from Jev's blog from Cass's entry.
Or just click here and look for the "I'm a July baby" header.


Stubborn and hard-hearted.
Um, stubborn, yes. Hard-hearted's a little too much. Mine's actually quite soft.. but it only applied if you know where and how to push my button.

Strong-willed and highly motivated.
Lol. Depends too. I like to complete what I've started no matter, so I guess you can put it as strong willed but I can also be fed up/lazy and give it all up at once.. then continue again anyway some other time. >_>;; And I don't need no motivation to sleep, that's for sure. Come to think of it, it's kind of true. If I'm pushed to do something, I probably wouldn't anyway. Hehe.

Sharp thoughts.
Hmm, more like sharp tongue. Lol.

Easily angered.
used to be very true when I was a kid. I'm better now. I'll only get angry when I see something I 看不顺眼 or very 不爽 about. Then I'l probably bitch non-stop, left, right and center about it. Lol, sorry, it's late and I can't think of the english translation for them. :/

Attracts others and loves attention.
Er, not too sure about the attracting others part but yes, I would like a little attention though. Not too much to smother me, but don't make me feel like you're ignoring/not listening to me at all. I'll feel sad and pity myself and stuff thinking about stupid thing (Yes, I know I think about stupid things. I can't help it, kay? :/)

Deep feelings.
Me no get this point. Next!

Beautiful physically and mentally.
Er, personally, I don't really think so.

Firm standpoint.
Hmm, this kind of depends on what you're referring to. If I feel that the matter isn't really affected whether I say yes or no, I'd probably wouldn't bother too much about it. However, if I really do believe in whatever I do, it'd really take lots of persuasion or whatever to get me moving.

Needs no motivation.
Lol. Depends too. I don't need no motivation to sleep, that's for sure. Come to think of it, it's kind of true. If I'm pushed to do something, I probably wouldn't anyway. Lol.. sounds familiar, doesn't it? :x

Easily consoled.
Erm, yeah. Lol. It's true. I can be consoled even with a lollipop. Please, don't laugh at me. :/

Systematic (left brain).
Um, to a certain extent, yes. I like to follow orders but when I get fed up, I'd do it however way I like it. Probably creates more work but hey, it least it isn't so monotonous.

Loves to dream.
You bet! I dream of making the BIG BUCKS. But alas, it's only a dream. Dreaming is fun. :3

Strong clairvoyance.
Um, not too sure about this. Sometimes, I guess? Hmm..

Erm, dunno. o_O You'll have to ask around.

Sickness usually in the ear and neck.
..... no? Mostly in the head or nose. I always get flu and migraines :/

Good imagination.
LOL!! I hope so! I can get carried away when I start, and once I start it's very hard for me to stop. Then again, I'm not very creative with my imagination so I think I'm that good?

Good physical.
No. Nonononononono... NO.

Weak breathing.
Um, Yeah. I have asthma. It really sucks.

Loves literature and the arts.
Lit: True to a certain extent. I like To Kill A Mocking Bird and Romeo and Juliet. But, omg, please do not ask me to read Hamlet and stuff like that. It puts me to sleep.

Arts: Yeah. I love it even when I don't understand it. Yes, I'm ignorant. So sue me. XP

Loves traveling.
I'm assuming this is to overseas for vacations, so.. YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES.

Dislikes being at home.
NOT TRUE. I love it at home! My mom calls my room my 狗窝 or Dog Kennel. All my stuff are everywhere and I love the cozy feeling. Sure, it gets boring but hell, I sure don't mind sleeping my time away. Hahaha..


Not having many children.
..... NEXT!

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Omgz, joke of the century.

High spirited.
Um, depends? Lol. I'm usually pretty lazy and lethargic. Only when I'm feeling up for it, fangirling or whatever does my "high" spirit show. Lol..

Sadly, yeah. *Sigh*


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