Last night was good.
Went to my aunt's.
My grandpa was here.
He's still here.
It was fun.
He named my zit "dwanna". As in: "Dwanna Pickme".
My zit is gone now.
Okay, enough of that. I've got a new tradition I made up last night. Every year, I'm gonna do awards. La. I'm giving everyone on my friend list an award. ^_^. Yay.
(Alphabetical order)
Adam- The "Owwie" Award (Get feeling better ;_;)
Amanda- The "My Personal Loiosh" Award
Britty- The "Life Most Like A Movie" Award
Dale- The "Most Fun To Talk To In The Morning" Award
Daniel- The "Ohmigoshalwayshorny" Award
David- The "Most Awesome Big Brother" Award
James- The "Coolest Eyebrow" Award
Lina- The "Sweetest Heart" Award
Michael- The "Sexy In Anything (Including Rubber Gloves)" Award
Sarah- The "LALALALALALA!" Award (from Liar Liar, OMG, YAY!)
Stephanie (Who should be reading this too)- The "Makes Me Most Jealous (See: Paris for four months ><;;)" Award
Oh yes. Amanda wants to give me an award too <3333 *hands her the keyboard*
Kami- The "Ohmigoshdieorgethurt! *stabs people*" Award! ^^ <3333
O_O!!!*steals it back* Amanda! ><;;; Like I said... My Personal Loiosh. Excuse me... I must go kill her... ^^;; Happy New Year! *runs away after Amanda*