"Лемография. Станислав Лем в глазах мира"
Сборник статей авторов из разных стран. Издательство Ливерпульского университета (Великобритания), 2014, 207 с.
http://www.amazon.com/Lemography-Stanislaw-Liverpool-Science-Fiction/dp/1781381208 Содержание:
1. Waclaw Osadnik and Peter Swirski. Lem Redux: From Poland to the World.
2. Peter Swirski. The Unknown Lem: Man From Mars, The Astronauts, The Magellan Nebula.
3. David Seed. Investigating the Investigation: Mystery Narratives in The Investigation and The Chain of Chance.
4. Nicholas Ruddick. Embodiment Problems: Adapting Solaris to Film.
5. Bo Pettersson. The Hilarious and Serious Teachings of Lem's Robot Fables: The Cyberiad.
6. Iris Vidmar and Peter Swirski. Literature, Futurology, or Philosophy? The Futurological Congress.
7. Victor Yaznevich. Problems and Dilemmas: Lem's Golem XIV.
8. Kenneth Krabbenhoft. Lem, Cervantes, and Metafiction: Peace on Earth and Fiasco.