1st season question....

Nov 05, 2011 00:49

Yes, I'm here. Yes, I still watch the show. Enough about me.
I can't help but wonder what the call back is all about.
There is a lot of mentioning of things of the past. Most importantly season one.
Tonight it was Missouri and it's been various other things this season.

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big_pink November 5 2011, 13:05:30 UTC
I think maybe there's so many fans that didn't get seasons 1 and 2 when they happened, maybe the TPTB are cashing in? Getting them to buy the DVDs? OMG, I'm so cynical. Hi Smilla! I'm like you, though. I'm digging it. Give me nostalgia.


big_pink November 6 2011, 13:35:12 UTC
I'll have to hand in my card to the Apostrophe Protection Society(http://www.apostrophe.org.uk/). My rampant ill-use of punctuation aside, I side with you. Us.

Not that I have anything in particular against Castiel, you understand, but can you imagine him and John in the same room? It's like they're from different television shows.


lemmypie November 6 2011, 15:01:01 UTC
Should we let these girls know that you and I were maybe a little gleeful when they took Cas out? Oh maybe not.


dodger_winslow November 6 2011, 19:41:51 UTC
I adore Misha and enjoyed Cas in a lot of ways, but I didn't mind them taking him out, either. And MUCH preferred that option over a season-long storyline predicated on an angel gone all God complex ... which was where I feared they were going to go.


lemmypie November 6 2011, 21:19:42 UTC
I think that is where my relief comes from as well.


dodger_winslow November 6 2011, 19:39:12 UTC
Not that I have anything in particular against Castiel, you understand, but can you imagine him and John in the same room? It's like they're from different television shows.

Heh. I may have imagined it in a little more detail than most ...




dodger_winslow November 7 2011, 08:38:48 UTC
Oh, and also? I believe punctuation should be as creative and misleading as possible. At least thats my story and Im sticking to its.



lemmypie November 7 2011, 16:56:37 UTC
Punctuation is for chumps!

Oh ummmm, while I have you here. Where is the next chapter?


dodger_winslow November 8 2011, 04:32:08 UTC
Ha! Oddly enough, I'm working on both Seasons and Skin Deep right now. I hope to have Seasons finished for Christmas; Skin Deep, shortly after the new year.

And you know, SPN actually being back on track rather than off in the rough of WTF will help dramatically in that regard. Nothing like bullying yourself into writing about a show that makes you made to even think about. I suspect that is what put my mojo on long-term vacation. But she seems to have awakened to the new season's kiss ... here's hoping the rest did the ole gal some good.


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