Jul 11, 2008 21:24

Hello flist! Long time.... Oh wait you've heard this song and dance from about a million other flisters?
Yeah,O.K. I'll shut up about not being around. I do however have an awful story to tell you about murder and mayhem! I know those are your favorite kind.

So a few weeks ago we here at the Lemmy household got a kitten, to replace our 17 year old kitty who now resides in the big litter box in the sky. So this kitten is cute with big ears...blahblahblah. He's also kind of crazy and wacky and totally SEEKS out the attention of my kids..... Wait! Let me get back on track.

So this morning he tried to make his daily escape outside while I was trying to let our outside cat in. This is when I noticed that little kitty was totally soaking wet. I'm all, "Why are you wet kitty?" and he was all. "MEOW!" I promptly went to investigate, cause that is what you do When your kitten is wet through and through. It couldn't have been from the toilet because we've already learned THAT lesson. (He fell in) so the lid was down.
This is when I walked in on the murder scene! It was awful. The fish food scattered hither and yon. The EMPTY fishbowl. Sushi finally became his name. I called out to Mr Lemmy. "Hon, can you help me find the fish!" He called back. "Did you look in the fishbowl?" Then I saw the body, the poor little fishy all dead on the floor. He had been murdered! By the murdering kitten we now call killer. It was awful. The killer er... I mean kitty was brutal not only fishing (ha!) Sushi out of his bowl, but the little fake palace lion statue at the bottom of the bowl was on the floor and half the rocks as well! No stone was left unturned in the killing of poor Sushi.

So this morning before we were heading out the door the four of us including KILLER stood around the toilet and flushed poor Sushi and now lets all hope he's in the big fish bowl in the sky and then lets REALLY hope that fishbowl is nowhere near the big litter box.

(should I be concerned that when I type the letter "M" in my tags line murder just comes up first thing?)

murders, rambling

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