(no subject)

Mar 07, 2008 10:43

So this is proof I'd take a bullet for

1. You've just died. What happens?

I wait around until the circle calculates what lesson I have yet to learn, then I'm flung back into a body to LEARN THE FUCKING LESSON already!!!! I'm not a good listener so I've done this a couple of times already.

2. What is your most guilty pleasure?

Shopping and buying things that are WAY out of my price range.

3. Favorite childhood cartoon?

Looney TUNES hands down. My favorite were the ones that talked about the Future.... My god those were funny and are still funny today.

4. What goes on your hotdog?

I live in the windy city and there are LAWS! LAWS! About what goes on a hotdog.
Relish that is nuclear waste green, celery salt. mustard and a pickle. If Ketchup comes near your hotdog it is a mortal sin.

5. What was the last movie you saw, for pleasure, and would you recommend it?
3:10 to Yuma- Yes, I would recommend it. But I wouldn't recommend watching it with my family.
Because all three of my other family members kept yelling. "JUST SHOOT HIM ALREADY!!!"

6. On balance, are you happy with your life as it is, would you change it a little or change it a lot?

I sometimes don't realize I'm not happy with things in my life, when I find things I don't like I do my best to change them. Somethings can't be changed, or it's not time for them to change so I make the best of them.

7. What's the one possession you USED TO have, but don't anymore and wish you did? What happened to it?

I am a believer of if you let things go, other things will come to you. So I try to let things go with good grace.
This is my story and I'm sticking to it. If I stop and ponder what I've lost I might go insane. LOL!

8. You (as you are now, not a fictionalised you) are a FC in an episode of SPN. What's your role?

To be the worst fucking Mary Sue ever written, then I could go online and watch all the fangirls heads explode!!!!
OMG! That would be fun.
Wait, I've got this wrong. How I am now?
I'd be a slightly annoyed, but willing to go along for the ride. Then be the red shirt that would DIE horribly and cause the boys much angst and pain. Then one or the other boys would pat the other on the back and say... "We can't save everybody." Then they would save everybody else.

9. Name one person for whom you'd definitely take a bullet, and one for whom you definitely wouldn't.

Yeah, bullets kind of hurt. But if I HAD to take a bullet for someone. My kids, a couple of friends. But of course I would NEVER let them live it down, I'd totally be all. Remember that time I took a bullet for you?

10. Worst case scenario?

Yeah, I've had enough of those thank you!

11. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

Doing things I set out to do. That is a big accomplishment if you ask me... Sometimes it's stupidity but mostly it's an accomplishment.

12. What's your greatest frustration?

When life becomes circular, you do the same things everyday. When everyone else around me is content and I am not. When I see more and nobody else does.

13. For you only, not as a broad political statement: life imprisonment or death sentence?

Life imprisonment.... I think.

14. Jury duty. Ever done it? What was it like? Wanna do it? Thoughts at all?

Never done it. I only wanna do it if it's something good.

15. You discover you've been drafted into military service (to a country to which you hold a citizenship). What do you do?

*eyes Canada*

16. Which fictional character could you most see yourself marrying?

The main character of the book A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius, but I'm already married and to be married to two people at once is against the law. So how about I'd go with a one night stand with Dean Winchester?

17. Describe the flag design of your personal utopia.

It would be a bugger green color and it would be argyle.

18. Do you have a motto? If yes which one?

Keep it Simple Stupid.

19. What's in your pocket right now? Conversely, if you have no pocket, what are the three items closest to your right hand, excluding computer hardware?

The phone, a pin that says Raise funny people. A lithograph of a pinup girl that I need to get framed. Screws.

20. What place most speaks to you?

I don't know, I don't shut up enough to listen.

"Rules" (They're more like guidelines...)

Here's the deal: People who have been tagged post their answers and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse (Yeah, right. Refuse away, gang). These 8 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you.

I Tag.....

meme, words

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