From the lovely
poppleshatesyou 1. Where do you live? What's it like there? (I just realized I'm not sure what state you live in? east coast? yea?)
I live in southern Maryland, close to VA, over by Pax River naval base. It's a nice part of the East Coast, although I'm still not used to snow-less winters. And we get the occasional beastly hot summers. But overall I like it.
2. If you could do anything just for you right now, what would it be?
Hrm. I would say sew some sock critters. I can usually get some crocheting in when the little boys are up, but sewing needles lure them like moths to a bug zapper.
3. What is your current favorite song?
Stereo Hearts!
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4. Favorite moment from this past year? (Besides birth!)
It's a tie between Theo's first real 'hey, I know you!' grin and the day I realized my anxiety issues were pregnancy induced and were going away.
5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I can't decide between Ireland or Japan.
6. Latest book you read and throughly enjoyed?
I'm currently reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green and really like it. I can't remember the last book I read, it's been a bit. (Due to raising ferrets and all, I love to read.) I think it was a freebie from called Jailbird.
7. How old are your kiddos?
Alex is 9, Cassie is 5 3/4, Violette was 3 months, Devon is 2, (lordy, he is very 2 somedays), and Theo is 3 months.