Creepy and Stupid the two new dwarfs

Mar 08, 2005 21:07

Lets start out with creepy.

Its 9:05 at night, I'm laying on my couch on my laptop and watching the news. I look up and out my window. Staring back at me through my window is a creepy asian person. Why are you on my patio? Why are you peering through my window? Are you going to kill me? CREEPY. After s/he saw me looking at him/her, s/he left, but still.

Now for stupid.
I went to El Pollo Loco. If you remember my las El Pollo Loco story people got in a car accident in the drive through and the employee started to yell at the people. Yesterday when I went I had stupid as my check out clerk. My total was 5.38, I gave her 21.13 I know this is an odd amount to give you. I know that you probably never got past 2nd grade math. However, you don't need to do math. Count the money I gave you. Type it into the register and give me the amount of change back that it says. You should not have to sit there and figure anything out. After you sit there and figure it out don't hand me back 10.75, this just makes no sense what-so-ever. How would you get that. When I correct you don't take the 10 dollar bill back and hand me five singles. This also makes no sense. After I correct you and tell you how much you should give me just trust me. It's 15.75.. Thank you for taking the five singles back and giving me a ten and a five. why did you give me five singles anyway if you had a five in the drawer. Now i'm just confused. I know that you will feel ripped off until you count the drawer at the end of the night, but i swear I did the math right.
Apparently entering in the amount I gave you and counting out the change the screen tells you is too difficult for you. Maybe they should take you off the register and move you to something less challenging like sweeping or opening the boxes all the food comes in.
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