I've been up thinking and hurting (mainly my teeth, I may start taking calcium supplements), and decided on a couple of things. Which is good, as I've had a good streak on deciding on things and then following through with them in the past couple of weeks. I decided to write again for the cauldron this semester, and I did. I decided to be pro-active with my feelings concerning relationships/potential relationships at hand, and I have.
And now? I have been toying around with and arranging some music in my head (and some on paper) lately, waiting around to start a potential band with a couple of buddies of mine. But as they are sort of both tied up in things and can be difficult to get a hold of, I decided it would be best to exorcise these things by myself. Just be a solo act for now, and if the time and place is right, can seek other musicians (or even non-musicians) to accompany me (or have me accompany them.) This may start solidifying in a couple of months. And definitely a lot more when the weather gets warm.
Edit: Well shit.
Rest in peace, Godfather of Soul.