^_^;; Love Neco drama cd comes out tomorrow (well, today in Japan right now ^_^;;)!! Hopefully it won't take too long for rips to get out somewhere where I can get my hands on them... >_> Then I shall squee mightily as I listen!
Until then, I have other new drama cds to listen to. The next one in the Shounen Bride series came out (Honoo to Kagami no Utage), so I have some Suzuken to listen to, yay! (I also have Koi no Iro and Diamond wa Koishiteru to listen to, but those aren't from series I'm already familiar with... ^_^;;)
I already listened to Yome ni Konaika, which is much crack of the "created by Araya Miki and dramatized with Koyasu x Morimori" type... ^_^ I'm not the biggest Koyasu fan in the world, but this was the sort of role I like him in: crack. Specifically seme whose dream is to become a bride... and forces himself into the role when he finds the groom he wants... (...Apparently Obsession is scanlating the original manga... >_< ) But yeah, much love for that drama.
And, on a Hanafurirou note, the next drama cd for the series (#4) comes out in November, with Suwabe as the main seme! ^_^_v Also, I'm still working on my novel translation... I've decided to take my translation woes and such over to
lemming_jp, which is my journal for Japanese stuff that I keep forgetting is there for that such stuff, but the translations themselves will stay here. ^_^; (The short version of today is: I've been doing a fair amount of research on kimonos. ^_^;)