...I'm fascinated. ^_^

Feb 09, 2010 15:55

Listening to a podcast (was BOL then, but now on to TWiT), and someone called in to mention the site translation party, which takes an English phrase and translates back and forth from English to Japanese, back to English, until it reaches equilibrium (using Google translate). And, wow... this is fun!

Using some random sentences from past posts, we have such fun as:

Books make winter seem much more bearable, really. -> This winter, bear reality. (WTF?)

I kinda started several months back, but then got distracted and never got anything else done. -> In some cases, information was considered necessary before the ideal of a few months. Describe the search. (Site doesn't think this will ever reach equilibrium, so it stopped here.)

To balance out my last bitchy post, it's time for a little pure fangirling. -> Since then, the balance at the end of my time Teita fangirling, my favorite is pure evil. (I honestly don't know where "Teita" came from... and Google can't translate fangirling to Japanese, it seems. ^_^ Again, no equilibrium.)

And for one final thought... Miyata Kouki's voice is so freaking adorable it should be illegal. -> 111111111111 I 111111,1, audio, one by one I'm in my last is considered illegal, I Megumi Tokiiti 00 minutes, ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Miyata .. ... ... ... ... ... Okashikunari. (Oh, wow... Again, no equilibrium. ^_^)

Mom preordered it for my birthday and got something for herself at the same time. -> First birthday of my mother, she had to do something at the same time. (Whee. ^_^)

Yeah... that's fun. ^_^ Anyway, back to translating!

fun with language!

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