Entering the Final Stretch of Exams! :D

Apr 19, 2006 13:07

During my breaks between an exam and going back to the desk to prepare for the next one, I've been reading a book by a Nova Scotia author named Linda Johns. Besides being an artist and author, she is a bird rehabilitator, caring, and learning so much about herself and birds along the way, for many species of aves (and a few non-avian creatures as well) over the years. :)

The birds, and her inner appreciation for them and the wilds from which they come, give her a lot of inspiration for her books and art. You can see it in many of her artistic creations. :D

So anyway, I was having lunch and reading a book of hers the other day, called Sharing a Robin's Life:

I came upon this hilarious passage, and I just had to share it with you guys. :D She's been taking care of nestling Swainson's Thrushes, and they are just now beginning to see where their food comes from, but not knowing exactly what it means (or in fact, what it is!).

Here's the passage; it's so cute, I was laughing out loud at the dining room table as I read; here, she recalls the endearing trait of the thrushes as they watch (and slowly begin to take part in) the collection of the mealworms which Johns has as part of their diet:

Eventually, the thrushes began to participate too - but more as though engaged in a mysterious ritual from the mists of antiquity. Standing silently in their little circle, garbed in the ancient infancy of nestlings, they'd stare down as though spellbound at the mealworms in their centre. Then one would reach hesitantly towards them, only to draw back again, and so would another, and perhaps another. Then the boldest would break the sequence and actually seize a mealworm, holding it while the others eyed him silently. If he neither dropped it nor swallowed it, another thrush would reach accross and solemnly take it away. The he, too, would stand there holding the worm. If he neither dropped it nor swallowed it, it would be carefully taken either by the former thrush or by another. If the worm were dropped, all the thrushes would resume staring at it silently, still in their circle. But if one actually swallowed it, three pairs of eyes would be fastened on him for several moments, before being transferred down to the remaining mealworms in the centre.

Isn't that so cute?! I was picturing it in my head the whole time; Swainson's Thrushes, as many of you probably know (Ariel, I'm lookin' at you especially! :D ) are such sweet-looking little birds anyway:

Imagine these chicks, with their fuzzy baby feathers all sticking out from them every which way, being so solumn and serious. Hee hee! :)

And just because, I thought I'd show you a few of the paintings and carvings that Linda Johns also does. They are beautiful; the paintings are so full of colour, and always feature an aspect of nature (my obsession, as you know!). The whale-bone carvings are a newer addition, I think she may have just started this a few years ago:

And she has also incorporated acrylic and pine wood into a really neat kind of carving:

Here are a few of her colourful pieces, aren't they so wonderful? :)



And lastly, here's a nice black and white:

Isn't her stuff so beautiful? :)

Well, I must be off; back to the 'ol desk here in the basement, heh heh. Only two more exams left, weeee! Hope you guys enjoyed this little "intermission" (*winks at Mech*) and had a good chuckle over that passage. ;)

Take care,

Lembas :)

p.s. Here's an art studio's website featuring more of her stuff, in case any of you guys care to take a peek. :D

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