Title: Lost in Transit (
Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: G
WordCount: 776
Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi has been listed in the Agri-Corps roster as MIA ever since the Monument was taken by pirates. Even that is incorrect.
Series: Unclaimed, #1
So. New fic, very short. Star Wars, which is new to me as a writer but not a reader. Where did this come from, when anyone who's paying attention to me wants to see more of Action Figures Sold Separately??
Well, honest sauce time. I haven't gotten any further writing-wise on AFSS, though I did think up a few plotpoints that'll be incorporated in. Basically what has happened with that is that I've psyched myself so far out of writing the second POV for chapter three (which is definitely going to be Coulson and not Fury, I've finally made that decision), that I ran away to read fic and take my mind off it. I've therefore spent the past few months scouring the SW fandom, getting ever more frustrated not seeing what I want there. Which is impetus to write what I want. So. I've germinated myself a new(ish) plot bunny, and there is a tiny part of it linked above
There's a story I now want to pluck away at for SW. But I don't feel like I have a big long SW epic in me at this point. So instead I'm carving up some bite-size chunks and tossing those out, like chum into the water, as part of the backstory for the longer, later fic. The plan at this point is for two intersecting series of short pieces, one of which is the backbone of this AU, the other of which is . . . more meta-like but is still fic, tying into the AU. The two series will have three little fics in them each (okay, well, one will have more, but no more than five); and they will intersect in a larger fic that is the guts of the AU. One of the series may make me create a new pseud, just for the purposes of verisimilitude with the meta - I know that makes no sense now, but I have a plan. (Famous last words, no?)
Also, there is another written (finished!) fic in this series, but it's going to come third. The middle fic is short, plotted out, and has bits written. But actually, avoiding writing this fic is driving me back to writing AFSS, because y'all, writing Qui-Gon Jinn is hard. I haven't actually really read my Jedi Apprentice books in something like fifteen years or more (more, definitely more), but I didn't realize how much of fandom's "Yay Qui-Gon!" attitude I'd absorbed until I went back and actually cracked the spine of JA1 again. And just let me say, WOW is he an ass. Yikes. I'd maybe forgotten a lot because I've only ever seen Phantom Menace once (and on that basis alone have never watched Attack of the Clones or Revenge of the Sith, because not even Ewan McGregor could induce me into that much self-torture). But he's a jerk there too.
Whatever, it actually all plays into my theme for the longer story, it works. But I couldn't really believe that Qui-Gon was on the Monument with a twelve-year-old Jedi youngling, felt the baby Jedi in distress, and was all, "I'm not responsible for his welfare." He actually thinks almost those exact words at one point. What the hell? You don't want a Padawan. I get it. But there's a difference between deciding to essentially adopt a child for the next fifteen years, and making sure a member of your congregation makes it safely to their destination, the first time they venture out into the world. Especially if that member is a child.
. . . And I'll save the rest of my rant for the meta portion of this double-series, but you get the idea.