I'm still alive!

Oct 31, 2012 09:24

Rumors about my disappearance have been greatly exaggerated. Not that there are any, but if there were, they would be.

Not much fascinating has been happening with my life, but I've been busy as whoa. Those floors really require a lot of attention, and I'm still trying to figure out what to do with some junk I have and the ample room I also have, but do not want to waste on too many Ikea Billy's. The three I have right now are up, but not in use yet, save for the Shampoo resin kits. All of them made the move pretty much undamaged. Two fell off their foot-pieces, one broke her sword again and one is now missing two fingers that I do not expect to ever find again. I'll have to find something for that as soon as I've got a hobby table of sorts. I'm still aiming for a drawing table (for cels), but it's not planned to be anything I'll be buying this year. Unfortunately, the situation is likewise with the cats. I'll have to put that off for a while, too.

Most financial punches to the face have been non-moving related. For example, yesterday my disk was suddenly getting slower and slower, and at one point reported over 50 hard faults per second, which does not necessarily mean, but is probably indicating that the disk is nearing the end of her lifespan. I intend to get an SSD and 8 Gigs of DDR2 RAM, but the price for a 256GB (mostly NAND) SSD is less than 8GB of (Non-NAND!) DDR2 RAM. Seems a bit unfair to me, but since I only have two memory slots, I'll have to find two pieces of 4GB, double-sided, reasonable-speed RAM for a 64-bit installation of Windows 7. This apparently costs roughly €300, which is nearly twice the amount I'll be putting down for the SSD.

At work, my first program is nearing completion. Or rather, the first stage of it, where the thing is ready to be tested by others. This is a huge milestone for me. I have expressed my desire to make the switch to developer, thus leaving my chemical career behind me. Depending on the financial step I'll be making, or rather if I'm making any at all, it might just be as simple as signing and a handshake. The stress at work is nearing palpable levels due to decisions made off-site. People want to start programming, but they're just not getting to it. This probably will lead to loss of workforce sooner rather than later, and with that, even more delays, as this site is probably the only site actively working on producing something. This may be a slightly simplistic view, as I cannot see the progress of the other teams and the local developers are not being kept up to speed.

I've been gradually getting back into DDO, but unfortunately my new barbarian build test run of yesterday was cut short by the aforementioned disk failures. I hope the fixer-uppers I applied will work tonight.

In terms of fandom there have been preciously few advances. I'm glad my resin kits are back in place, but I still have so much to go, so many posters and a fancel with official douga in list. I have, however, fully accepted my Brony side. I've watched season 1 and 2 and I have to say, while the series is cute and gives a little insight in the characters, it's mostly the Brony community that ignited this fandom on my side. Out of all my fandoms, they are by far the most creative. As with all fandoms this one comes with some rotten eggs, and most of them seem to be centered around the cutest of the bunch, Fluttershy. But I'll try not to be too extroverted about this, as it still feels inappropriate for a 29-year old guy to like ponies. It's not like I'm ashamed of it, but there's no need to toss oil on that fire, right? Besides, I've already got Shampoo.

In the field of dreams (hur hur) I've been making some strides. I'm starting to remember dreams without having to do so actively, and I may have actually had a lucid one last night. I remember more than one dream, but most vividly, I'm pretty sure my mind has either finished creating the "right person", or I've had a "pre-deja-vu" dream (and I sincerely hope the latter!). The dream was about this woman, and the more we talked the more we realized that there was precious little we didn't like about each other. Personally, I've met someone like this before, but I'm not sure the feeling was mutual. The feeling I got from this dream was pure good, which is weird, as I don't usually feel anything after a dream, and usually it's more fear and evil than anything else. I'm pretty sure I told myself I need to remember this dream at the end. The one thing I don't remember is talking about my Shampoo obsession. It won't matter. As soon as I got control of my dreams the only woman I want in there will already know about my obsession of her. (Muhaha~)


I really must resume working on my moving card. the concept version I worked on looked fantastic, except that it looked like the character I shopped in there looked like it belonged there and I looked shopped in. Really weird. Besides, I really need to shave before I take the final picture. Another thing I haven't had made time for.
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