May 24, 2004 18:24
Yeah... I Totally forgot I had a dentist appointment today. I didnt get to ride the bus home. I had to drive with David. Thou, thats always fun. But I REALLY missed Tyler. But When i got home from the dentist, I went over there to drop something off for one of his sisters, and he was outside mowing the lawn. So i Got to see / talk to hinm then. He bought a mp3 player from ebay. He REALLy likes that site. He got this really nice ring for a penny! 1 CENT!
Anyway then. I got my teeth cleaned really good today. NO CAVITIES! YEAH!
Okay.. welll... I've got to go. I noticed Tyler just signed on then signed off. I was quite depressing. oh well. I lvoe you all. BYeee