Recent happenings

May 01, 2004 16:22

OMG- My neighbor pisses me off so fucking MUCH! GOD DAMN HIM. Last night he came over drunk and brought with him 2 of my brothers friends. Jon ( MAJOR hottie and MAjor sweetie) and David E. Jon was driving fast down our road and he turned into our driveway and slowed down to 15 miles per hour. Ron and his stupid drunk friend came over and yelled at my mom. His drunken argument was that there were 3 and 5 year old children playing out in the drive way. This was at 11:30 at NIGHT! What the hell are children that oung doing outside playing in a driveway in the DARK?!?! He said that they just left the driveway and if they were still in the driveway those "Quote: Jackasses : Unquote" could have run them over. But the thing is... Jon slowed down in our drive way. The kids were NOT in the driveway at the time, AND what the hell were kids that young still doing up? GOD DAMN RON AND HIS FUCKING IDIOCY! GOD i just wanted to call the police on him. I can not WAIT to move away from those god damned bastards who need to mind thier own fucking business!!! they actaully think that the drive way is theirs. WHICH IT'S NOT! the druken neighbor actually wanted to put a gate up so we couldnt even get to our own fucking house. He needs to be shot then draged out into the street and run over. His carcass left there to rot and to be crushed and torn but passing cars!

MAN... I have alot of rage in me huh? But He derserves it. May God send him to the pits of hell and make him feel pain and tormenting.

Well, i've got to go. Ironically enough, to go to church! AGAINST MY WILL mind you. Please feel free to comment. I enjoy reading ur opinion.

peace out all.


Shannon: I REALLY want you to move in with me. But i'm still convincing my mum. Did u have fun at prom?

Suzie: Feel better girl! I love and miss ya. Have fun at ur prom!
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