birthday quizOf rare beauty
knows how to adapt
likes luxury
of good health not in the least shy
tends to look down on others
wants to impress others
many talents
healthy optimism
waiting for the one true love
able to make quick decisions.
haha it's so wrong.. perhaps I *should* have been born on my real day (the 14th feb) or 5 minutes earlier (the 15th)
Sorry I've been busy. Manchester uni looks really good. Definately applying for it. :) I quite enjoyed my trip on my own although I was sooooo knackered.. bought some 7"s, some shoe laces and an army shirt.. woo.. Wish I had more money.. there were other things I wanted.
Am working on saturday at dad's place probably. Depending on rain. They need someone to water as the guy who does it normally is out of action. Need a real job though! :(
I love Trem. He came down yesterday and it was wonderful. We went bowling and I won! woooo.. We drove around and went for a wander, which was nice. Oh and we had a power cut. boooooooooo.. But it did mean he couldn't work in the afternoon so we got more time together. I miss him so much now. I need to be with him. I feel empty and detached at the moment.
crap.. the domain I was just about to register for the website trem and I are doing has gone. We now need a new name. It wasn't when Trem checked. Dammit.