Dec 02, 2003 16:57
Elliot and I have had the flu for a few weeks now, but at the weekend I told Jem how much better I was feeling, and now of course its worse than ever.
Despite being ill I managed to do loads of useful things today which I've been putting off for ages...
Confirmed my driving test appointment
Arranged for my first blood test at the hospital after my scan on Monday
Made Elliot a doctors appointment
Did all the laundry
Got a babysitter and arranged to have lunch with my friend this week
Cleaned out the rabbit
Updated LJ and paid some bills
Not bad, hopefully we'll all feel better soon. The main worry is Elliot as he's not been this ill before. Jem got us both a pair of get-well socks yesterday, Elliot's have zebras on and mine are pale pink angora, which I will now go and put on :)