Just how many days back CAN I post and maintain any semblance of legitimacy?
Anyway, this past Sunday was lil man's baptism. This was a bit out of character for me, as I'm not from a tradition that christens infants, and it's not something I really believe in, per se. But it is a part of the traditions of the Methodist church we're now members of, and it's a tradition important to Kaz and his folks (he's from a Lutheran background).
It's something we discussed long before we even became pregnant with the lil man - when we were looking at joining this church. In the end, I came to the conclusion that it won't hurt him, and that it doesn't really lock him into anything - he'll have the choice to confirm in the Methodist church when he is older or choose to follow another path instead. He may, like some of us, follow several different paths until he finds the right one for him, and that's okay too. The church never asked us if or when we were going to baptize him - we brought it up to them, so I'm comfortable that if we are still here at least there should be no pressure to confirm either.
And then, with our little man clad all in white and us and
martinhesselius and the grandparents all in our "Sunday best"... we went to nom on some Dreamland ribs. Living dangerously! :P