Well, that was ...unimpressive.
I didn't like it. Pointless. Boring. A soap opera. I only liked the last scene and the first of course.
Seriously, if I saw Bill watching at the Cylons repairing the ship one more time I would have thrown something at the TV.
Bill is a wuss. Getting drunk because he is losing his ship's integrity? Get over yourself!
And where is Laura when we need her?
SAUL AND ELLEN!!! THAT was a great opening scene, very emotional! Obviously Ellen back means drama. Laura is horrified by the final five being together or maybe all this being a nig soap plot...
BOOMER BACK TO THE BRIG! Come on! That's lame... it has been done already, and if you saw next week's preview you know that we have another lame plot coming.
What about Baltar!
Seriously we didn't need him . More annoying scenes with groupies, starving people, bad people and head Six.
Anyone could have come up with that idea. Cylon and Human sharing life space on Galactica, that's the point of this season!
Caprica losing the baby..that was so evil of the writters.
I was shocked to see Laura talked to Caprica about the baby, nice try...not sure what that means yet for Laura.
Making the baby disappear of the plot is a mistake I think but well... it seems Human/Cylon relationships is the point of the show.
Also I guess Saul/Ellen has to come first, they are the reason everyone is where they are now.
'My favorite scene, Bill and Laura walking together, Laura hanging at Bill's arm, her taking his hand in the corridor... so natural....so cute....
Them watching at the pics of the dead cylons. Hope! At least for now.
Now next weeks preview is a bit confusing. It sounds like today's episode. Poor Boomer. Well we will see.what happens, who dies,...
I can't believe there are only 4 episodes left. ITS TOO SOON TO END!