
Jan 09, 2009 00:31

Its Holiday time! Real holiday's not this lack of things I've been doing since Uni's finished.

So for those who don't know I'm heading to Malaysia for about a month. Should be interesting in that I havent been back there for a long time, so it'll be full of family filled fun-ness.

Which is why I'm so tempted to grab some duty free alcohol. Family fun time is always more fun with booze. Though first reunion in years and the first thing they'd see is the alcoholic drinking with the 2.25L of duty free booze. It'd be true, but I think it's better that they're drunk when they find out.

Its also the first year that my extended family knows that I'm gay. Which is great, considering its my mum who told them. For those who don't know it took her a long time to come around to the idea, so for her to tell them is a huge thing.

Anywho, don't know what else to write. So unless the plane crashes (budget airlines are fantastic) I'll find some more free internet somewhere else and post more.


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