Jan 25, 2011 21:30
My boss at the MPRB has never been shy of telling us we’re good employees. Today as I was leaving he told me I need to work there more. This wasn’t a disguised hint to change my availability. My availability is wide open. No, it was a thinly veiled plea to keep working there for the summer. He told me I’m #3 on the seniority list, and that it takes a long time to get there (this has been a running joke in the office lately. He thinks we’re all great, just some of us have been there longer), to which I replied, and I’ve only been hear a year and a half, and most of it I was also working somewhere else.
I know he doesn’t want me to go, but Como pays more, is full time, and it’s a great experience to put on my resume. When else will I be the first person asked (without an interview!) to be Camp Director and a pretty major institution? (Hopefully this will happen again, but still)
I need to figure out my schedule there because I need to make sure I can still get a few hours here and there at MPRB or they’ll take me off payroll and I wont’ have anything to come back to in the fall (or I will, but it’ll just be a whole lot more hassle).
Today I started organizing all the Social Networking things for Carpenter Nature Center (again, very flattered I was the first person they asked to do this, but still wish it was paid and not volunteer work). Started a new FB page and got that all organized (mostly). Tomorrow I’ll tackle Twitter. They also want me to see how we could use YouTube and Flickr, of which I have absolutely no working knowledge (besides searching for funny or educational vids on YouTube). Anyone have any pointers on those?