Jan 17, 2011 18:51
Well, today was productive. :)
It didn't start out so, but it was a good day.
I didn't sleep well--kept waking up for no apparent reason--but managed to get up with pleeeenty of time to get ready. I showered and got ready then came downstairs to make breakfast, which I ate (it was yummy), and then I packed my lunch (not so yummy cuz I was lazy).
I got my stuff together for work: snowpants, gloves, etc. Put on my coat and stuff, went out to my car.
I was halfway to the Interstate when I realized I forgot my snowpants. And my tea.
Turned around to get them.
Left again and realized I needed gas.
Got gas and got on the interstate. And realized I forgot my hat.
I said screw it, it's warmish today (this is how you know you're a seasoned Minnesotan: when above 20F in January is warmish)
I was a little late to work, but I needn't have worried because no one signed up for my first snowshoe program.
They had me do lunch duty for the camp running today instead so Anna could have a break (she needed one, those kids were nuts).
Four people signed up for the 1:00 program. So we went. I didn't miss my hat.
It was a good day at work. I enjoyed myself.
On the way home, I missed my exit to get off Cedar Ave (hwy77) to go through Apple Valley. I wanted to go to the yarn store and stop at the Cub for groceries. So I took the long way around.
Got my yarn. Got my groceries (we planned meals this week. wot?)
I got home and made pizza. Not frozen pizza, but the kind where you actually make it yourself (no homemade dough or sauce. Sorry)
For some reason, I'm feeling quite domestic. I actually want to clean and cook and whatnot. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm going to take advantage of this feeling while its here. There's no telling when it'll disappear.
I mean, I even want to EXERCISE. What's up with that? Only I'm not going to because I don't run outside in the winter (don't really run unless its necessary for work...) and I'm not joining a gym. Can't justify the expense, not even in winter. I'm thinking I'll invest in some snowshoes (maybe there will be some good sales on them this spring) and then a pair of rollerblades. I'd also like a new bike, but not until I can use it to bike to work. Not going to happen, at least not this year (sadly).