Oct 10, 2007 02:57
even reading what i've read about spirituality, i can't settle down. i was watching this show about jupiter, and i just don't think i can believe that all of this was MADE and that my life was INTENTIONAL. and THAT'S what makes it so fantastic. call it God or call it Nature or Being or whatever you choose. the point is, i woke up today to find myself in this life, and i didn't choose IT and i didn't choose this BODY and i didn't choose this COUNTRY or this TIME, but i'm here. and we look around at the other planets and there IS no life like we know it on earth, and it's either that we're unique to this solar system or that there was life before that fucked with their planet so bad it just destroyed itself. Earth will destroy itself if we continue on this path of reckless consumption. and whatever you believe, you must be intelligent enough to recognize what an incredible opportunity this is. if you are bored, you don't deserve to live.