Mar 21, 2004 23:34
Hmmmmmmm.....spring break, didn`t do much but it was still fun. I stayed here in maine and worked like everyday, but see its at a movie theater so not really much work. Crashed at justins all week, interesting living with 3-4 guys. Besides the shower situation and not having any dishes everything was cool, being awakened at 11:30 in the afternoon with a "good morning sunshine" and handed a bowl is always a good feeling. And the beach, well what can i say about that? FUCKIN GORGEOUS! I love the ocean, I can`t see myself growing up and moving out on my own and not living near the beach! I don`t want to live anywhere else now, it just makes me happy. It`s good to have everyone back tho, I missed them all, even tho I have yet to see everyone...ahem...lin, natalie, nick, sam, jesse, erin, and jen!
Got some pretty shitty news today, brian has been kicked out. FUCK SECURITY! Brian was one of the nicest guys here and such a good friend and listener, He would never hurt anyone, one of the chillest kids I have ever met and probly will ever meet. I didn`t even get say goodbye :( It`s just not fair! we were hurting absolutly no one! No body deserves to have their life fucked over like that, and don`t think I won`t hold it against the person who ratted him out to save their own ass...(ahem,josh!) Thats just fucked dude, and if I find out my name came out of your mouth in that conversasion, you`ll never regain my friendship or respect ever again. I thought you were a chill kid, and I really wanted to believe that you would never do something like that. And I can even understand giving up one name, but three (that we know of) is just being a prick, take it up the ass buddy! I just hope all goes well at home for brian and maybe I`ll visit him sometime soon, he doesn`t live far from me. Well it`s late, i`m peacin. Night everyone, Sweetest dreams!