And I wonder...

Dec 17, 2004 01:41

So...someone said I should write I am....
I really don't know why....because 99% of what I wrote before was negative....and I still have a lotta negative things I think....but who wants to look back and see them? Not here goes...

The Truth Will Set You Free...
So...anyway...Some people have been getting all bent outta shape because I said I didn't like them....I'd say its nothing personal...but that'd be a lie...bc obviously, it is. Theres just some things I can't being threatened, if I forgot that, obviously that'd be dumb on my part. After HS and the death threats, I don't take threats lightly, and I don't forget them. So I'm sorry if I don't like you, but really anymore I don't care, because it's move on and go bug people that you're actually friends with, instead of wasting my time since I want nothing to do with you.

Theres some I've had to recently let go of...I can only take being taken advantage of for so the times I've been fucked over. And I remember all I've done to help those people, how I went outta my way, and even put out money and time to make certain things more memorble and special, and to do favors. But when I asked for one thing, no one was in i'm sorry, but I can't take anymore...find someone who wants friendship so badly that they'll do all those things that you want.

Work...has been blah, same old shit, different days...been working wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much. I'm going on day 3 of 10 in a row...but it's money...Still looking for a new full time job...turned down a few for lack of interest...Someone make it worth my while...

And for my happiest note of all...

The Relationship...
Thats about the best thing I've had in my life so far...
I haven't really mentioned him too much, guess I was worried about hurting so many other people, and afraid of losing what I had...but it's apaprent that yes, some may be hurt....and I won't be losing anything in the near future...I haven't written in so long that he hasn't been mentioned anywhere but the buddyprofile thing. Tim and I have been dating since Sept...and every moment has been great...and we live far apart but we make it all work...and I love him so much. I really look forward to spending more time with him, and seeing where the future takes us...we're making plans...I haven't wanted to hurt anyone, but I can't be single forever...and some people just aren't meant to's taking me a long time to find that out...

To you...get outta my dreams...becuase you're not the one I've been dreaming of...
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