16:31:33: @ juicycapoochie since flippin when? harmonise your usernames and stick with one for god's sake
16:34:52: @ juicycapoochie Well delete the old one then. Or are you worried the beast might steal your account and pretend to be you again/some more
16:45:55: @ juicycapoochie In which you'll use your really popular username that a lot of the internet fans you have know you by... Awesome!
16:53:28: @ juicycapoochie I hope it does. If I have to come and save your arse, I just hope it's at a time when I look good in that tight leather suit
17:14:05: @ juicycapoochie But it's standard uniform. I guess it keeps you from leaving DNA everywhere. Except when I'm swishing my hair around