May 08, 2006 08:56
So..I woke up this morning pissy, but then I kept telling myself, happy day good day, happy day good day during my shower and while I was getting dressed and it kinda worked lol. dad got better though!!!! Mosley called me outta class and I thought she was gonna ask me about the teacher appreciation thing and was gonna i donno. but no..she showed me the grad gifts..SOOO freakin cute! I hope everyone likes them. and then she showed me all the sashes and I was soo excited because I get to wear all of them. I get to wear an NHS stool, an SGA stool and A top 10 thingy!!!! woop woop! I am soo excited now! my black gown will have color lol!
Anyways...I gotta go. x's and o's to all! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!! LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!! Happy...sad...ahh. lol