Goodness gracious me, do I want that coat!
(clicketyclick for bigger, you know the drill)
It is actually painful to keep checking the homepage because I don't want to pay the shipping in case I look silly in it (being a lot more boyish than twilighty-goth). But imagine that coat and black boots (which I actually think I need for work because I doubt I'll be allowed to wear Uggs and Doc's get terribly cold in actualy winter weather) and my stripey woolly hat!
However, same store has two lovely, warm leather jackets up for the a/w collection. One is brown and proper pilot style, the other one's black and pilot style turned sophisticated woman. I'll also try to see if I can find those in shops, even though I'd rather have a long coat because my dufflecoat is quite short and I'm used to a warm thighs from years of wearing rather long coats.
Yeah, I reckon nobody is actually as worried about winter clothes already as I am. But not everybody is starting a new job in autumn! One with a dresscode!