Yes I am very very bored...but that's what happens when you are a Sports Studies major

Nov 28, 2005 23:32

I stole this from Shelly. I have nothing better to do because all my friends are out at bars and I can't because I am not old enough. Booooo.

Time started: 11:34
Full Name: Lauren Elizabeth Logel
Single or Taken: single
Sex: Female
Birthday: 12-9-1985
Siblings: Abby (18), Courtney (18), Sara (14)

Shoe size: 10
Height: 5'5"
Innie or Outie: innie
What are you wearing right now: shorts and a tank top
Where do you live: Evansville, IN
Righty or lefty: righty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: nope

Who are your closest friends: Meagan, Shanelle, Chrissy, Bailey, Abby and Courtney
Do you have a BF or GF?: Nope
Best place to go for a date: dinner, movie, walk by the river or anywhere under the stars
Where is your fav place to shop: when I find money somewhere with cheap but somewhat stylish clothes (I have no style)

Favorite kind of pants: blue jeans
Number: 23, 6, 9
Boys Name: Luke Christopher and Jonathon Eugene (after my grandfather)
Girls Name: Megan Elizabeth and Emma Claire
Animal: cat, fish
Drink: Iced sweet tea
Sport(s): softball, soccer, baseball, football
Fast-Food Place: McDonald's and Taco Bell
Movie: A League of Their Own, Love and Basketball, Dirty Dancing, Napolean Dynamite...I like a lot
Juice: OJ
Finger: all of them
Breakfast: granola bar
Favorite cartoon character: Stewie
Given anyone a bath: nope
Smoked: nope
Bungee: Nope
Made yourself throw-up: I could drink that bad?
Gone skinny dipping: yes
Eaten a dog: no... eew
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no
Loved someone so much it made you cry? yes
Broken a bone: yes
Played truth or dare: yes
Been in a physical fight: no
Been in a police car: no
Been on a plane: yes
Come close to dying: no
been in a sauna?: no
been in a hot tub: yes
swam in the ocean: yes
Fallen asleep in school: umm yeah...everyday
Ran away?: no
Broken someone's heart: no
Cried when someone died: yes
Fell off your chair: yes

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? yes
saved AIM conversations: yes:)
Saved e-mails: yes
Fallen for one of your best friends?: yes but they don't know it and I'm not about to share
Made out with JUST a friend? yes :)!!!!!!!!!!
Used someone: no
Been cheated on: I don't know

What is...
Your good luck charm: my grandpa in Heaven (so it's not material...who says it has to be?)
Best song you ever heard: there are too many I love
Stupidest thing you have ever done: cut my arm open at Sig Ep and had 12 stitches
What's your room like: my areas are clean
Last thing you said: I love you
What is beside you: a giant drink
Last thing u ate: Oreo something at TGI Friday's
What kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal Essence
Best thing that has happened to you this year? becoming closer with some amazing people who I will miss dearly next year
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: I don't know...
Have you ever gotten/had....

Chicken pox: Yes
Sore Throat: Yes
Stitches: yes
Believe in love at first sight: I don't know...

Like picnics: yes
Who was the last person that called you: my dad
Who was the last person you slow danced with: Nathan Miller
What makes you laugh the most? me...I laugh at myself a lot cause I'm stupid
What makes you smile? my friends
Last Person you kissed?: someone at another school
You yelled at?: I don't yell
Who broke your heart?: Chris
Who told you they loved you?: my mom and little sister

Do you/Are You/Have you:
Do you like filling these out: I am bored so yes
Do you wear contacts or glases: neither
Do you like yourself: yes I do
Do you get along with your family: yes
Stolen anything: umm...let's see...yep
Obsessive? sometimes
Compulsive? sometimes
Anorexic? hell no I love food to much
Suicidal? No

Final questions
How many people are you sending this to: anyone who wants to read it in my LJ
What are you listening to right now?: roommate and her bf do homework
Hated someone in your family: no
Gotten any awards: Yes
What car do you wish to have: one that looks decent, can seat a lot of people, and won't break down a lot
Where do you want to get married? in a beautiful church or somewhere outside
Good driver: yes
Good Singer: not at all
Have a lava lamp: nope
How many remote controls are in your house: 5
Are you double jointed: no
What do you dream about: varies...last night it was that I had a pet opossum that liked orange juice and a very hot husband who looks like someone I know but can't name...yeah odd
Last time you showered: 8:00pm tonight
Last time you took a bath: I don't know
The last movie you saw at the theatres: Elizabethtown
Chocolate or white chocolate: both but chocolate over white
Root beer or Dr.Pepper: neither
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: where? both
Skiing or Boarding: I've never been snow boarding
Summer or winter: summer
Silver or Gold: sliver or white gold
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: both...better with someone to watch it with me
Sprite or 7up: neither
Orange juice or apple juice: Orange Juice
Cats or dogs: cats
Coffee or tea: tea
Phone or in person: In Person
Are you Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: oldest
Indoor or outdoor: Outdoor
End Time: 11:54
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