Still no word on the job front. Depressing. So I've been scanning some of Babs photos for her. It's part of a project Bab's doctors and psychiatrists et al have set for us, a way of helping her retain her memory just that wee bit longer. Trick is that like many patients with dementia, she tears up most forms of paper, including photos. Mum was all for scanning and printing out pages, but I pointed out that scanning and then sending them sized for the developers would be cheaper. I also prefer real photos to scan-n-print jobs. Much more tangible and aesthetically pleasing. So scanning, scanning. Have amused Mum by taking out some of the photos she thought bad or dark and fixing them. Dammit, I should get a job doing this. It's a snap. Er. Pun actually not intended... Ack.
Anyway, found this picture of me in my aunt's collection. I was soooooo cute! What the heck happened?