Телефонная bluetooth гарнитура не только для разговора
Apr 12, 2013 02:44
1. Использование гарнитуры в качестве беспроводного наушника. 2. Записывать звук с микрофона гарнитуры. 3. Использование микрофона гарнитура для записи звука при видеозаписи (а-ля "радиомикрофон")
1. Поставить приложение BTMono, BTMusic, Mono bluetooth router [Spoiler (click to open)] Какое-то из них работает лучше. Вопрос какое.
2. Поставить Voice Recorder BlueTooth и выбрать галочку Prefer bluetooth MIC
2. Поставить BTMono, поставить IgCamera (в настройках выбрать источник microphone). Перед запуском IgCamera запускать BTMono.
1) get the device to recognize the bluetooth microphone (from a headset or other bluetooth wireless device). 2) get the audio into a video recording.
it seems that android and an OS is not readily prepared to do either of these, and the built in video recorder cannot use audio from a source other than the devices built-in microphone.....so....we have to improvise a little.
First, we will need to get android to play nice with the bluetooth device. start by installing a free little app called "bt mono" you can find it on the google play store.
once installed you will need to run this any time you want to use your bluetooth device in a way other than as a phone. on a side note, this works great for listening to music via a bluetooth headset.
second you will need a video recorder that can take the audio input that bt mono gives you. so, run back over to the google play store and get "lgCamera"
the only thing you have to do now is tell lgCamera that you want to use the "microphone" as the audio source.
thats it. you now have a video recorder on your phone/tablet that will use "almost" any bluetooth device as the audio input.
I have this exact set up on my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus with CM 10.1.0 rooted, and it works perfectly. I am not sure if this works with unrooted devices, though I don't see why it wouldn't. hope this helps anyone who's been dredging the depths of the interwebs!
1. Some phones support bluetooth call recording perfectly, just install any call recorder and go.
2. The hardware of some phones don't support bluetooth call recording, for example Galaxy Note 2 GT-I7100, GT-7105, Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 etc that use the WM1811 audio chip. In this case all call recorders don't work.
3. The hardware of some phones support bluetooth call recording but the ROM doesn't support it, for example Galaxy Note3, Galaxy Note4, Galaxy S2, Galaxy S5 etc. In this case you should root your phone and install a call recorder that can fix this problem, for example Boldbeast Call Recorder, it can fix this problem for many phones.
4. Please note Galaxy phones have many variants, they are different from each other, for example Galaxy S3 GT-I9300 doesn't support bluetooth call recording, but Galaxy S3 SGH-I747, SCH-I535 may support it, or can be fixed.