Whenever I feel down I think about Jrock and it always makes me feel better ♥ So I made this list thing of clips that make me smile so I can cheer myself up whenever I feel sad :D
Antique Cafe
Wagamama Koushinkyouku PV Expect Rush Hot Wave 2005 Off shot Merrymaking PV Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Loop & Loop PV Kimi no Machi MadeGiant lobster! O:
Space Shower TV programWTF @ Ajikan xD Kita's in a dress and Yamada's in a fish costume xDDD Gosh, Kita's darn purdy :3
Romance PVThis PV is fucking beautiful. Btw nice nails Atsushi :D
Love Letter PVUm...yay Atsushi shakes his ass :D Is this what you wanted? Is this what you wanted? Is this what you wanted?
Muma-The Nighmare (Live) Goblin (Live) Gensou no Hana PVSo fucking beautiful ;_;
Kimi no Vanilla (Live)I. Love. This. Song. *0*
Dir en gray
[a knot] MessageShinya hitting Die = priceless ♥
Kinya Kotani
Sweet Sweet Samba PVAww, I miss genki!Kinya D:
Sweet Sweet Samba Live on UtabanHehe, d'aww...
Laruku Video GameHoly shit I want it xD
Stay Away PVLove the funky dancing at the end xD
Hyde & Ken on PaPaPaPuffyHyde directs a mini-movie! xD
Hyde gets kissed Laruku Backstage Best Group Videoomg xDDD
NHK Christmas*points and laughs at Hyde*
Utaban 2005-09-01Brain Test game
some photoshootTatsurou and Yukke are such children xD
Zy 09 photoshootYukke: Yay! 8D
Zy 06 photoshootAt a theme park! :D
They are jokes...Silly, silly, silly. Tatsurou squealing = ♥
Psycho le Cemu
Yume Kazaguruma PV PLC & MUCC photoshoot and karaokeomg, Psyho le Cemu AND Mucc! How can it NOT be good? xD
King of ToohanBob and Catherine host an infomercial for the Magical Box, Magical Penlight, and Magical Towel xD
Some PhotoshootI find the way Aya eats hilarious.
PLC on Velvet MusicFucking cute ♥
Psycho Family SkitHilarious skit from their major debut tv special thing. Daishi is the cutest damn thing ever ♥
Michi no Sora PV Roman Hikou PV New Year's MessageDaishi's laugh xD
Shunkashuutou PV SID
Like and Edison Comment Intro at ACen 2004Yuuya xD
Expect Rush IV SID live in ChicagoWish I knew what song this was ._.
Tackey & Tsubasa
Tackey & Tsubasa on UtabanThey compete against each other in a couple of games. Poor Tsubasa loses at ALL of them xD;
Tackey gets a painful foot massage Tsubasa gets a painful foot massage Sho Sakurai and Tsubasa ImaiI dunno...it's cute I guess ^^;
USO! JapanTsubasa as Dr. USO is probably one of the cutest/wackiest things I've ever seen
Utaban 1/19/2006Hilarious skit xDDD Sword fighting!
Shingo congratulates Tackey & TsubasaShingo (SMAP): Hello Tackey & Tsubasa! Congratulations on your marriage! Ohoho oops! xDDDD
Johnny's Gym PracticeA whole bunch of 'em at a gym. Entertaining xD
Johnny's Jr. in DisneylandTackey: I...I..I..I from Japan? I don't cry.
Tackey & Tsubasa on Hey!Hey!Hey!T&T compete with Downtown in an archery match! Tsubasa's faces xD
Tackey rejecting JinI just find this amusing :D
Gakibara 2000 pt. 01Gakibara 2000 pt. 02All the little Juniors compete against each other! Dancing without drinking water, Running 5 km without drinking water, who can last in the sauna for a certain period, and who can stay awake the longest. :D
T.M. Revolution
T.M. Revolution & Kiyoharu duetBeauitful.
T.M. Revolution speaking in EnglishDuh.
MASK vs. Shulla - Handkerchief GameFucking cute ♥
*adds to her memories*