My Mom is the cutest!

Apr 28, 2005 22:07

This is an im conversation with my Mom from a few months ago when I was in Cincinnati.

Mom: hi leslie
Leslie: hi
Mom: how are you? how is the weather?
Leslie: not too bad
Leslie: cold but not crazy cold
Leslie: this must be mom
Leslie: mom, is that you, mom? huh mom?
Leslie: mom?
Leslie: mom?
Mom: yes
Leslie: i knew it
Leslie: hah
Leslie: theres snow on the ground
Leslie: i took a picture
Mom: when you have the meeting?
Leslie: tomorrow
Leslie: all day long
Leslie: i have a nice big king sized bed to myself
Mom: who is picking you up on sunday
Leslie: aaron
Leslie: or dad
Leslie: they can arm wrestle to see who gets to pick me up
Mom: dad can pick you up
Mom: is that a nice hotel
Leslie: its pretty nice
Leslie: its on teh campus of university of cincinnati
Mom: is the hotel far from your meeting place?
Leslie: my cab driver only pays $321 for a one bedroom apartment!
Leslie: they have a shuttloe for us
Mom: you can't rent a bathroom here for that price
Leslie: oh my god, Mom!
Leslie: i said the EXACT same thing!
Leslie: i am your daughter!
Mom: this is my first time talk to someone in the internet, it is fun
Leslie: only because you are talking to me
Leslie: is dad standing in back of you telling you  you are doing something wrong?
Mom: you need to go to bed now it is 10:00 or 11:00
Leslie: 11
Mom: no he went to sleep already, he is working tomorrow
Leslie: but 20 miles from here it is only 10
Leslie: pm
Mom: OK you go to sleep, i want to watch TV, have fun, be careful, bye bye
Leslie: thank
Leslie: s
Leslie: bye mom

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