You can do everything right...and still FAIL...

Nov 09, 2009 12:23

So, since I only have one key for "my" car...and don't want to pay for another (damn coded keys cost too much!), I thought I would be all sneaky-like and look up my keyless entry code for the door. Sounded like a good idea, especially since someday I might lock the only key in the car. I perused the internet forums, and found out where the code is printed inside the car (since I don't have the original manual and don't want to pay the dealership to read the computer). And then, with the help of my dad's telescoping mirror, found it in 'my' car. Success!...or so I thought. I triumphantly punch the code into the door and....NOTHING FREAKING HAPPENS!!! *%^#&)%$(**%&#%$!!!

update: It turns out the keypad on my car is an aftermarket, not a factory model. Hence the factory code does not apply.
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