Still alive out here amongst the cornfields...

Oct 23, 2009 14:21

What have I been up to, you ask?

+ fixed the burnt telephone junction in the basement.  the house phone jacks work again!
+ worrying about my silly relatives who think they are healthy and denial is a river in Egypt.
+ restoring my great-grandmother's travel trunk. (Thrilling, I know. But I LIKE history.)
+ found an awesome dark teal dress that was reasonably priced and even FIT PERFECTLY (no alterations, whoohoo!).  wore it to the neighbor's son's wedding reception. (no one noticed it.)
+ discovered Chocolate Chai and am completely addicted. (goes great with my mom's soft almond biscotti!)
+ helped my mother close the pool for the season.
+ learned that when the Post Office says they forward all packages, they really don't mean it. Grrr!
+ hooked up my mac mini to the tv in the living room. (now i just need to beg my dad for control occasionally.)
+ transferring all my data to a new RAID set, since the old one decided to start failing.
+ found an archery club to shoot at and discovered the ice rink's free skate schedule.
+ still frustrated by the house water pressure. musing on the possible impact from a new showerhead.
+ I now have Boots of Power! All Beware!

Any Questions? ;-)
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